About Me

As far as I can remember I have been writing and making up stories. My first actual novel was a fantasy, Fatespell, and went unpublished (although it did win second place in a writing contest!) Once my children were in school, I went back to college and ended up with a Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Colorado at Boulder. I published several papers in professional journals and began teaching at a community college. Meanwhile, I wrote Pandora‘s Light, a science fiction with romance. I soon began Where the Red Moon Rises, a science fantasy romance.

After moving to Georgia in 2002, I became busy as a foster mom and department chair at another community college and writing kinda fell off the map for a while even though my husband kept at me to keep writing. I also pursued my love of fiber arts (using a spinning wheel to make yarn from wool and other fiber) and so the phrase “spinning a yarn” has a double meaning for me.

Hand-spun Yarn

Enter my daughter, Crystal who is also a writer. She was determined to get me writing again and in August of 2019 presented me with several romances and informed me that I had six weeks to write a book to pitch at the upcoming Moonlight and Magnolias writing conference in October. So, I wrote one. Then another. Then I finished writing a couple novels that had been sitting around for years. Now I am back to working at getting my novels published.

My husband and I have adopted three children, and I am now an online professor leaving me lots of time for writing. I write just about every day, and spinning seems to help the muse along. Over the past year I have branched out into paranormal suspense. We’ll see which way things go from here!